Raffi Feghali (left) and Tim Orr (right) in an improv show in Berlin
Improv 102
It’s time to take your skills to the next level!
If you have done Improv 101 with me before (or maybe even any improv in general. Contact me to make sure you’re illegible in that case), then it’s time to take your skills to the next level. This is the second of a 3-month course (24 sessions). After this, you’ll be ready for Improv 201, the last of the 3 month course. And if you’re still improvising then, we’ll start working on getting you on stage (if you want that). The 4 sessions will take place on September 18, 20, 25, and October 2 from 6 - 9 PM at District 7, Ashrafieh. As you are taking this course, you’ll also be eligible for “special topics” courses. So be on the lookout for when they are announced. The 4 sessions cost $150 to be paid upon registration (we will contact you for payment logistics). Use the form below to register by September 17.