Halim Al-Hakawati
Stories from Kitab Al-Hikayat
Thursday June 8, 2023 at 8:30 P.M. @ Laban Studio
Beirut - Lebanon
Halim Al-Hakawati is an improvised storytelling performance
Halim - Raffi Feghali
Kareem - Ali Dawi
Saeed - Mohammad Ipo
Directed by: Stephen Kearin
Light Technician: Mohammad Amareh
Visual designs: Ely R Noujaim - ern
Photos by didinò.improv
Before the days of Netflix, TVs or cinema, the hakawatis (storytellers) kept the Arab cities entertained and bewildered! Whether in cafes, town squares, huge castles or normal living rooms, the hakawatis’ voices echoed and their cliffhangers kept people coming back.
Halim comes from a long tradition of hakawatis and tonight he’ll be telling stories from Kitab Al-Hikayat at Laban Studio in Beirut. He tours the world telling stories with his musician Kareem and lights operator Saeed.
BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages! SILENCE! Never mind you have never heard of him… HE is indeed the most famous Hakawati in the world… You’re just going to have to trust him on this! SADNESS! Halim pities you should you miss this opportunity to witness his telling of tales from the legendary Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories!
Attend other shows at your own PERIL!
This show wouldn’t have been possible without the contribution of a lot of people. A big thank you to all of them, especially David Pasquesi & Nils Petter Mørland for taking the time to watch the show and share valuable feedback, Chrystine Mhanna & John Achkar for their help with the press and media and Laban for the invitation to perform at their beautiful, rooftop studio.